Request for Proposals – Strategic Planning Consultant

The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec, located in Westmount, Quebec, invites applications from qualified consultants to support the development of a 3-year strategic plan for the period 2026–2029.

Organization Overview

Founded in 1987, the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (also known as the Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec or AELAQ) is a non-profit organization that supports the English-language book industry in Quebec. We represent a dynamic community of 26 members, including publishers of academic and historical books, fiction, narrative, poetry, graphic novels and comics, non-fiction and children’s literature. 

We support and promote our members through a variety of initiatives and projects, including professional development seminars, advocacy, the Montreal Review of Books (mRb) literary magazine and an annual book fair. We are a regional affiliate of the Association of Canadian Publishers, a national network of associations that support and advocate on behalf of independent Canadian publishers.

Project Overview

The selected consultant will work in close collaboration with the Board and the Executive Director. The goal is to assist the board in developing a three-year strategic plan. 

Key Steps

  • Community consultation session
  • Collaboration towards an initial strategic planning session with the Strategic Planning Committee, Executive Director and selected consultant
  • Development of an immediate timeline to be rigorously followed
  • Development of strategies to support the association’s goals and priorities to meet its mission and develop a sustainable and flexible vision
  • Identification of procedures and next steps


We have a budget of up to $16,500 to allocate towards this mandate, including taxes.


Due to grant funding requirements, this mandate must begin between January 1st and March 31, 2025. While the full extent of the strategic planning process can extend beyond March 31, 2025, it should be invoiced before this date. Ideally, the strategic plan would be complete in time to present at our 2025 AGM, to take place in late May or June 2025. Please submit your proposal by December 6, 2024. 

Proposal Requirements

Please include the following in your proposal response:

  • Overview of your company
  • List of facilitation skills and experience working with boards of directors, staff, and community 
  • Overview of related experience in guiding strategic planning exercises with non-profit organizations
  • Perceived fit with AELAQ
  • Familiarity with the Canadian and Quebec independent publishing field an asset
  • Overview of how you will meet our objectives
  • Scope of your work
  • Pricing Proposal terms & conditions (if any)
  • Qualified references

Please send your proposal and any questions about this RFP to Rebecca West, Executive Director: by December 6, 2024.

We look forward to receiving your proposal!

Rebecca West

Executive Director

Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec

Members of the Association of English-Language Publishers of Quebec Vote for Ceasefire

For more than a year, the acute humanitarian crisis in Gaza has weighed on the minds of our members, as well as publishers, authors and artists across the world. On May 29, 2024, at the annual general meeting of the Association of English-Language Publishers of Quebec, a motion was passed to inform the public that a majority of members present at the AGM had voted to condemn genocide and to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Although quorum was reached and the motion passed, because fewer than half of members attended the AGM and because the item was not on the agenda circulated in advance of the meeting, the AELAQ board elected to engage in broader member consultation before releasing a statement. A further vote was conducted by email. Of AELAQ’s twenty-six members, 58 per cent voted in favour of issuing a statement conveying that a majority of members present at the AGM condemn genocide and to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Among those who voted in favour of the motion, some members expressed a sense of responsibility borne by writers and publishers to take a stance on the pressing issues of our time; some said that publicly funded organizations have a duty to take a public stance on issues in which their governments are implicated. Among those who dissented were those who expressed a view that such statements are the responsibility of individual writers and publishers, not of umbrella organizations.

The Association of English-Language Publishers of Quebec (Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec) is a not-for-profit organization that advances the publication, distribution, and promotion of English-language books from Quebec. AELAQ is bound to represent its members’ interests, which it undertakes primarily through professional development offerings, marketing initiatives, and advocacy for the anglophone Quebec publishing industry. Today we are heeding the request of a majority of our members to convey their thoughts on a matter that falls outside the organization’s typical remit, which speaks to the historical moment in which we find ourselves.


Kathleen Fraser

Past President

Association of English-Language Publishers of Quebec

Open Books, Open Minds: A Conference for Publishers

Save the date! Our 2025 conference will take place April 23, 2025. Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Alexandra Sweny

The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec is proud to present the inaugural edition of OPEN BOOKS, OPEN MINDS, a one-day conference geared towards the book publishing industry in Quebec and beyond on October 1, 2024, in Montreal.

Our first panels will tackle new takes on the perennial issues of book design and community-based marketing. After lunch, in partnership with l’Association nationale des éditeurs de livres, we’re pleased to present a panel on succession planning, followed by a lively exchange between English and French language publishers about the respective challenges facing our sectors, and how we can work together towards a stronger and more equitable industry. Coffee and lunch will be provided, and programming will be followed by wine and cheese.

This event is open to the public, with three pricing tiers available on a pay-what-you-wish basis, with the goal of making the day accessible to all. Please register and RSVP on Eventbrite to secure your spot, and email Alexandra Sweny if you have any dietary restrictions or accessibility needs. In-person spaces are limited, with priority given to members of AELAQ and l’ANEL. A live-streaming option is available via Zoom.

Alexandra Sweny

Déclaration commune en réponse à un rapport publié par Mario Beaulieu, député / Joint Statement in Response to Report Released by Mario Beaulieu, M.P.

Une version anglaise suivra.

Le English-Language Arts Network (ELAN), la Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF), la Québec Drama Federation (DQF) et l’Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec (AELAQ) souhaitent contester les conclusions d’un récent rapport publié par le député du Bloc Québécois, Mario Beaulieu. Ce rapport exprime des préoccupations quant à l’allocation de fonds fédéraux pour soutenir la vitalité de notre communauté linguistique minoritaire, insinuant qu’ils contribuent à l’anglicisation du Québec. L’allégation selon laquelle ces fonds sont utilisés à des fins autres que le soutien déclaré d’une communauté de langue officielle reconnue par le gouvernement fédéral, est dénuée de fondement et n’est pas étayée de manière adéquate par les conclusions du rapport.

ELAN et ses organisations affiliées, QWF, QDF et AELAQ, sont des organismes à but non lucratif œuvrant à mettre en relation, soutenir et créer des opportunités pour les artistes et les travailleurs culturels d’expression anglaise de toutes les régions du Québec. Nous unissons nos compétences et nos ressources pour favoriser le développement professionnel et pour partager les sources de financement, les perspectives d’emploi et les appels à la participation dans le domaine artistique. Nous défendons les intérêts de nos membres tout en partageant une cause commune avec la communauté artistique francophone.

Nous souhaitons souligner la légitimité du soutien financier fédéral à la communauté d’expression anglaise du Québec, reconnue comme une communauté de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (CLOSM). Ce financement joue un rôle essentiel en permettant aux divers organismes communautaires de mener à bien leurs missions cruciales. Il contribue de manière significative au travail indispensable accompli par ces organismes au service de la communauté. Nous tenons également à mettre en lumière son impact spécifique sur la vitalité continue de la scène artistique et culturelle d’expression anglaise du Québec, confrontée à des défis distincts par rapport au secteur francophone de la province.

Selon une analyse des données du dernier recensement réalisée par Hill Stratégies en 2023, on recense 13 800 artistes d’expression anglaise au Québec, représentant 32 pour cent de l’ensemble des artistes de la province. Le Québec et le Nouveau-Brunswick se distinguent en tant que seules provinces affichant une proportion aussi significative d’artistes de langue minoritaire dans leur secteur artistique respectif. Malgré leur présence substantielle dans le secteur, le revenu médian d’emploi des artistes d’expression anglaise est inférieur de 21 pour cent à celui de leurs homologues francophones au Québec, tandis que leur revenu personnel médian de toutes les sources, est inférieur de 17 pour cent.

De plus, il est pertinent de noter que le revenu personnel médian des artistes d’expression anglaise au Québec, établi à 31 000 $, est comparable à celui des artistes francophones du reste du Canada, s’élevant à 30 400 $.

Ces données offrent une perspective sur le secteur des arts et de la culture, mais elles confirment également des statistiques plus larges documentées ailleurs : bien que les Québécoises et Québécois d’expression anglaise représentent 14,9 % de la population du Québec, ils constituent 23 % de tous les Québécois vivant en situation de pauvreté et font face à un taux de chômage nettement plus élevé.

En résumé, ces données contredisent directement les affirmations générales du rapport selon lesquelles nous serions une « fausse minorité » et qu’il existerait une « asymétrie » par rapport aux défis rencontrés par les communautés francophones à l’extérieur du Québec.

La communauté artistique d’expression anglaise, loin d’être une force d’anglicisation, est solidement enracinée dans la société québécoise et contribue avec fierté à la diversité et à la vitalité de la culture québécoise, que ce soit chez nous, dans le reste du Canada ou à l’échelle internationale. Le succès mondial de nombreux artistes d’expression anglaise ouvre de nouvelles opportunités pour les créateurs des deux communautés linguistiques, renforçant ainsi la réputation du Québec en tant que société qui accorde une grande importance aux arts.

Les subventions fédérales allouées à des organismes tels qu’ELAN et ses organisations affiliées soutiennent cette contribution en fournissant des services essentiels à la communauté artistique et culturelle d’expression anglaise, qui est confrontée à des niveaux significatifs de précarité, tout en continuant à produire des œuvres de haute qualité. Cela permet aux Québécoises et Québécois d’expression anglaise de tous horizons de partager leur propre récit et d’apporter une contribution essentielle à la vitalité de leurs communautés, ainsi qu’à la diversité de la société québécoise dans son ensemble.

ELAN, QWF, QDF et AELAQ ont toujours défendu la protection de la langue française au Québec et ont cherché à collaborer avec la communauté artistique francophone pour atteindre nos nombreux objectifs communs dans le secteur, dans la mesure du possible. À cette fin, nous appuyons la collaboration et l’échange continus entre les artistes d’expression anglaise et les artistes francophones dans des créations artistiques qui contribuent à renforcer les liens entre nos communautés linguistiques. Nous apportons également notre soutien au travail, ainsi qu’au financement fédéral, des organismes de langue française à l’extérieur du Québec qui œuvrent à préserver la culture et la vitalité de leurs communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire.

Nous sommes fermement convaincus que l’utilisation légitime des fonds fédéraux destinés aux communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire pour soutenir la communauté d’expression anglaise, caractérisée par sa diversité et ses propres besoins et défis, n’entame en aucune manière ces valeurs. Au contraire, cela permet aux Québécoises et Québécois d’expression anglaise de contribuer de manière accrue à la richesse et à la diversité du paysage culturel du Québec et du Canada.

The English-Language Arts Network (ELAN), the Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF), the Quebec Drama Federation (QDF) and the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) wish to refute the conclusions drawn in a recent report released by Bloc Québécois MP Mario Beaulieu. The report condemns the use of federal funds to support the vitality of our minority-language community, implying that they contribute to the anglicization of Quebec. The implication that these funds serve any purpose other than the stated goal of supporting a federally recognized Official Language Community is in bad faith and is insufficiently supported by the report’s conclusions.

ELAN and its sister organizations, QWF, QDF and AELAQ, are not-for-profit organizations that connect, support, and create opportunities for English-speaking artists and cultural workers from every region of Quebec. We share expertise and resources for career advancement, funding opportunities, employment opportunities, and calls for participation in the arts. We advocate for our members’ interests and make common cause with the Francophone arts community.

We affirm the legitimacy of federal support for the English-speaking community in Quebec, a recognized Official Language Minority Community (OLMC); this funding enables the important work carried out by its various community organizations. We also wish to stress its particular impact on the continued vitality of Quebec’s English-language arts and culture community, which faces unique challenges compared to the province’s Francophone sector.

According to a Hill Strategies (2023) analysis of the most recent census data, there are 13,800 English-speaking artists in Quebec, representing 32 percent of all artists in the province. Only Quebec and New Brunswick boast such a large proportion of minority-language artists within their arts sectors. Despite their significant representation in the field, the median employment income of English-speaking artists is 21 percent lower than that of their Francophone colleagues in Quebec, and their median personal income from all sources is 17 percent lower. Furthermore, the median personal income of English-speaking artists in Quebec ($31,000) is essentially on par with that of Francophone artists in the rest of Canada ($30,400). 

While this paints the picture for the arts and culture sector, it also affirms more general statistics documented elsewhere: English speakers comprise 14.9 percent of the population of Québec, but represent 23 percent of all Quebecers living in poverty, experiencing a significantly higher unemployment rate.

Overall, the data directly contradicts the report’s sweeping assertions that we are a “false minority” and that there is an “asymmetry” with the challenges experienced by Francophone communities outside of Quebec.

Far from a force for anglicization, the English-language arts community is deeply rooted within Quebec society and proudly contributes to the diversity and vitality of Quebec culture, whether at home, in the rest of Canada or on the international stage. Indeed, the international success of countless English-speaking artists creates new opportunities for artists from both linguistic communities and reinforces Quebec’s reputation as a society where the arts are deeply valued.

The federal support for organizations such as ELAN and its sister organizations supports this contribution by providing crucial services to the English-language arts and culture community, which is subject to significant levels of precarity yet which nevertheless continues to produce high-quality work. It allows English-speaking Quebecers from a wide range of backgrounds to tell their own stories and contribute to the vitality of their communities, and indeed the diversity of Quebec society as a whole.

ELAN, QWF, QDF and AELAQ have always supported the protection of the French language in Quebec and have sought to collaborate with the Francophone arts community in pursuing our many common objectives for the sector whenever possible. To that end, we support the continued collaboration and exchange between English-speaking and Francophone artists in artistic creations that help to build bridges between our linguistic communities. So too do we champion the work – and federal funding — of French-language organizations outside of Quebec to preserve the culture and vitality of their Official Language Minority Communities. 

We firmly believe that the legitimate use of federal OLMC funds to support the English-speaking community – a diverse community with its own unique needs and challenges – in no way undermines these values. Rather, it helps English-speaking Quebecers contribute more fully to the richness and diversity of Quebec and Canada’s cultural landscape.

Écrire l’environnement / Writing the Environment

Pre­sent­ed by the Asso­ci­a­tion of Eng­lish-Lan­guage Pub­lish­ers of Que­bec, this mul­ti-media and dia­log­ic per­for­mance of poet­ry in Eng­lish, French, and trans­la­tion will imag­ine writ­ing the envi­ron­ment. Fea­tur­ing Kaie Kel­lough and Chan­tal Neveu, it will embody lan­guage in its rela­tion to land and space, and reflect on poetry’s rad­i­cal stance towards a sus­tain­able future. This event is curat­ed and host­ed by Klara du Plessis. / Présen­tée par l’Association des édi­teurs de langue anglaise du Québec, cette per­for­mance poé­tique mul­ti­mé­dia, qui se déroulera en anglais et en français, per­me­t­tra d’imaginer com­ment on écrit et décrit l’environnement. Kaie Kel­lough et Chan­tal Neveu exploreront la façon dont le texte incar­ne la langue dans ses rap­ports avec le ter­ri­toire et l’espace. Ils réfléchi­ront aus­si à l’attitude rad­i­cale de la poésie à l’égard d’un avenir durable. Cet événe­ment est conçu et ani­mé par Klara du Plessis.

Visit the official Salon du Livre de Montreal website for more information and the link to purchase tickets.

L’Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec recherche un(e) coordonnateur(trice) de production bilingue

(English job posting here)

L’Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec est à la recherche d’un coordonnateur de production bilingue pour contribuer aux opérations et aux projets quotidiens de notre bureau à Montréal. Nous recherchons un candidat possédant une expérience pertinente, capable de mettre les mains à la pâte et de s’engager au succès de l’édition de livres de langue anglaise au Québec ! (L’usage du masculin dans ce document a pour unique but d’alléger le texte.)

À propos de l’Association

Fondée en 1987, l’Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec (AELAQ, aussi connue sous le nom de l’Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec) est un organisme sans but lucratif qui soutient l’industrie du livre de langue anglaise au Québec.

Nous représentons une communauté dynamique de 31 membres, incluant des éditeurs d’ouvrages académiques et historiques, de romans, de poésie, de romans graphiques et de bandes dessinées, d’ouvrages documentaires et de littérature jeunesse. Nous soutenons et promouvons nos membres par le biais d’une variété d’initiatives et de projets, y compris des séminaires de développement professionnel, notre apport à la défense des intérêts communs, la revue littéraire Montreal Review of Books et une foire annuelle du livre. Nous sommes un affilié régional de l’Association of Canadian Publishers, un réseau national d’associations de soutien et de défense des intérêts des éditeurs canadiens.

Nous sommes une petite équipe, principalement formée de pigistes, actuellement composée de : Rebecca West, directrice générale et éditrice de la Montreal Review of Books, Malcolm Fraser, rédacteur en chef de la Montreal Review of Books, Salena Wiener, coordinatrice intérimaire de la production, David Leblanc, graphiste de la Montreal Review of Books et Michael Wile, ventes publicitaires nationales de la Montreal Review of Books.

Description du poste

Le coordonnateur de la production est responsable des opérations quotidiennes de l’association, ainsi que de la coordination de multiples projets en cours et ad hoc. Il collabore étroitement avec les autres membres de l’équipe et relève du directeur général.

Fonctions et responsabilités

Les tâches du coordonnateur de production incluent, mais ne sont pas limitées à : 

Soutien aux projets

Montreal Review of Books (mRb)

  • Assumer le rôle d’éditeur associé de la mRb en participant aux réunions éditoriales, à la sélection des livres et à la production des événements de lancement
  • Gérer la base de données des abonnés de la mRb, aider à la distribution et à la vente d’annonces publicitaires

Read Quebec

  • Gérer la mise en œuvre et la livraison des articles de blogue et des illustrations pour le site, en partenariat avec notre réseau de pigistes et le rédacteur en chef adjoint
  • Solliciter des soumissions de livres pour les catalogues de livres numériques saisonniers

Séminaires de développement professionnel

  • Aider à la programmation et à la production d’événements de développement professionnel pour les membres

Holiday Book Fair (Foire de livres Read Québec)

  • Coordonner la logistique avec le local, les éditeurs, les auteurs invités et les conférenciers
  • Aider à l’organisation de la programmation et des événements 
  • Gérer le marketing et la communication pour la foire

Salon du livre de Montréal

  • Aider à la programmation de nos événements au Salon du livre

Soutien opérationnel


  • S’assurer des relations et de la correspondance avec les membres
  • Comptabilité : entrées de données, facturation, rapports de dépenses
  • Répondre aux courriels et aux appels d’ordre général

Gouvernance et rapports sur les subventions

  • Rédiger des rapports sur les subventions 
  • Compiler et mettre à jour des données pour les rapports statistiques sur les subventions
  • Aider à la préparation des rapports pour les réunions du conseil d’administration et l’assemblée générale annuelle

Communications et marketing

  • Gérer le contenu des sites web et 
  • Gérer les réseaux sociaux de l’association (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • Produire des bulletins d’information 
  • Développer des campagnes publicitaires

À propos du rôle


  • Minimum de 2 ans d’expérience en coordination de projet, idéalement dans le secteur culturel ou à but non lucratif
  • Expérience dans la préparation de demandes de subvention
  • Expérience de gestion des médias sociaux

Compétences recherchées

  • Maîtrise de l’anglais et du français, à l’oral et à l’écrit
  • Capacité à gérer avec succès des projets du début à la fin, à respecter les délais et à hiérarchiser des tâches concurrentes
  • Capacité à anticiper proactivement les tâches et à travailler de manière autonome, ainsi qu’au sein d’une équipe 
  • Excellentes compétences en matière de communication et de relations interpersonnelles
  • Connaissance des principes de base de la comptabilité

Connaissances techniques spécialisées

  • Google Workspace Suite (Docs, Spreadsheets, Forms, Analytics)
  • Gestion de contenu Wordpress
  • QuickBooks en ligne
  • Gestion des médias sociaux (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • Mailchimp
  • YouTube live-streaming
  • Gestion des réunions Zoom
  • Eventbrite
  • Planable (ou autre logiciel de gestion des médias sociaux)

Expérience et compétences non essentielles, mais utiles

  • Expérience dans la planification d’événements
  • Familiarité avec le domaine éditorial local et national
  • Connaissance des principes de base du marketing et de la communication 
  • Compétences en matière de conception graphique et/ou de développement web
  • Permis de conduire / voiture

Exigences physiques

  • Vous devez être capable de soulever et de déplacer des boîtes de livres et de numéros imprimés du mRb, des bannières et d’autres équipements nécessaires à la production d’événements.

Vous ne répondez pas à tous ces critères ? Nous aimerions tout de même recevoir de vos nouvelles ! Veuillez lire la suite pour savoir comment postuler et nous dire en quoi votre expérience pourrait nous convenir.

Rémunération et horaire

  • Permanent, à temps partiel
  • 3 jours par semaine entre le lundi et le jeudi, selon un horaire régulier qui sera établi au moment de l’embauche
  • Salaire annuel : 26 208 $
  • Disponibilité occasionnelle le soir et le week-end pour les événements de la mRb et la foire du livre

Le coordonnateur de la production travaillera dans nos bureaux de la bibliothèque Atwater. Nous accordons donc la priorité aux candidats basés à Montréal et ses régions avoisinantes. Les candidats doivent être résidents canadiens ou posséder un permis de travail canadien.

Comment postuler

Nous invitons les candidats intéressés à remplir ce formulaire de candidature en ligne avant le 21 juillet 2023. Veuillez noter que le formulaire est en anglais, et que vous devrez vous connecter à un compte Google / Gmail pour le remplir. Si vous n’avez pas de compte Google, vous pouvez en créer un ici.

Pour remplir le formulaire, vous aurez besoin de :

  • vos coordonnées
  • une lettre de motivation à copier-coller 
  • votre CV en format PDF
  • les liens à vos profils sociaux

Nous vous recommandons de rassembler tous ces éléments avant d’entamer le processus de candidature. Veuillez indiquer votre nom dans le nom du fichier de votre CV. N’envoyez pas votre candidature par courriel, et n’envoyez pas de liens vers des documents nécessitant des mots de passe ou des autorisations. 

La date limite pour postuler est le vendredi 21 juillet 2023. Les entrevues auront lieu fin juillet — début août, et le poste débutera en août.

L’AELAQ s’engage à constituer une équipe diversifiée et inclusive. Nous encourageons les candidatures des membres des communautés sous-représentées, y compris des candidats BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, vivant avec un handicap, ou autre. 

Nous remercions tous les candidats de leur intérêt ! Seuls les candidats sélectionnés pour une entrevue seront contactés.

The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec seeks a Production Coordinator

(En français par ici)

The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec is seeking a Production Coordinator to contribute to day-to-day operations and projects in our Montreal office. We are looking for a candidate with relevant experience who can roll up their sleeves, get things done, and contribute to the success of English-language book publishing in Quebec!

About Us

Founded in 1987, the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (also known as AELAQ—Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Québec) is a non-profit organization that supports Quebec’s English-language book industry. 

We represent a vibrant community of 31 members, including publishers of scholarly and historical works, poetry, fiction, graphic novels and comics, non-fiction, and children’s literature. We support and promote our members through a variety of initiatives and projects, including professional development seminars, advocacy, the Montreal Review of Books, and an annual book fair. We are a regional affiliate of the Association of Canadian Publishers, a national network association of support and advocacy for Canadian publishers.

We are a small, mostly freelance team, currently made up of Rebecca West, Executive Director and Publisher of the Montreal Review of Books, Malcolm Fraser, Montreal Review of Books Editor, Salena Wiener, Interim Production Coordinator, David Leblanc, Montreal Review of Books Graphic Designer and Michael Wile, Montreal Review of Books National Ad Sales

We are also currently seeking candidates for the Montreal Review of Books Associate Editor role. Check out the job listing here!

Job Description

The Production Coordinator is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the association, as well as coordinating multiple ongoing and ad hoc projects. They collaborate closely with our other team members, and report to the Executive Director. 

Duties and Responsibilities

The Production Coordinator’s tasks include, but are not limited to: 

Project Support

Montreal Review of Books

  • The Production Coordinator assumes the role of Associate Publisher of the mRb — participating in editorial meetings, book selection, and launch event production
  • Managing mRb subscribers database, distribution, and assisting in ad sales

Read Quebec

  • Commissioning blog articles and illustrations in partnership with Associate Editor
  • Soliciting book submissions for seasonal Read Quebec digital book catalogues

Professional development seminars

  • Assisting with programming and production of professional development events for members

Holiday Book Fair

  • Coordinating logistics with the venue, publishers, invited authors and speakers
  • Assisting in the organization of book fair programming and events
  • Managing book fair marketing and communications

Salon du livre

  • Assisting with Salon du livre programming and event production

Operational Support 


  • Member outreach and correspondence
  • Bookkeeping: journal entries, invoicing, expense reports
  • Responding to general query emails and calls

Governance & Grants Reporting

  • Writing grant reports 
  • Compiling and maintaining data for statistical grant reports
  • Assisting with the preparation of reports for board meetings and the Annual General Meeting

Communications & Marketing

  • Maintaining and website content 
  • Managing AELAQ social channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • Producing public and member newsletters 
  • Developing and booking ad campaigns

About the Role


  • Minimum of 2 years project coordination experience, ideally in the not-for-profit or cultural sector
  • Grant writing experience
  • Social media management experience


  • Fluency in English and French, spoken and written
  • The ability to successfully manage projects from start to finish, meet deadlines, and prioritize competing tasks
  • The ability to proactively anticipate tasks and work independently, as well as part of a team 
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Familiarity with basic bookkeeping principles

Specialized Tech Knowledge

  • Google Workspace Suite (Docs, Spreadsheets, Forms, Analytics)
  • Wordpress content management
  • QuickBooks Online
  • Social media management (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • Mailchimp
  • YouTube live-streaming
  • Zoom meeting management
  • Eventbrite
  • Planable (or other social media management software)

Non-essential but Useful Experience & Skills

  • Event planning experience
  • Knowledge of the local and national publishing landscape
  • Knowledge of basic marketing and communication principles 
  • Skills in graphic design and/or web development
  • Driver’s license / car

Physical Requirements

  • Must be able to lift and move boxes of books, printed issues of the mRb, banners and other equipment needed for launch events.

Don’t quite meet all of these criteria? We still want to hear from you! Please read on for details about how to apply and tell us how your experience would be a good fit.

Compensation and Schedule

  • Permanent, part-time
  • 3 days/week between Monday and Thursday, on a regular schedule to be established upon hiring
  • Annual salary: $26,208 
  • Occasional evening and weekend availability for mRb and book fair events

The Production Coordinator will work out our office in the Atwater Library, so we are prioritizing candidates based in Montreal and surrounding areas. Applicants must be Canadian residents or have a Canadian work permit.

How to Apply

We invite interested applicants to complete an application online using this form by July 21, 2023. Note that you will need to log into a Google / Gmail account in order to complete the form. If you do not have a Google account, you may create one here.

In order to complete the form, you will need:

  • your contact information
  • a cover letter to copy-paste 
  • your CV in PDF form
  • your social profile links

We recommend gathering all of the above before starting the application process. Please include your name in your CV file name. Please do not send your application by email, and don’t send links to documents that require passwords or permissions. 

The deadline to apply is Friday, July 21, 2023. Interviews will take place in late July–early August, and the position begins in August.

AELAQ is committed to building a diverse and inclusive team. We encourage applications from candidates who are members of underserved and underrepresented communities, including BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, people living with dis/ability, and others. 

We thank all applicants for their interest! Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

The Montreal Review of Books Seeks an Associate Editor

The Montreal Review of Books is seeking a dynamic Associate Editor to work with the Editor and Publisher on all aspects of the journal. The Associate Editor is a key part of the editorial team, working on every step of production on our print issues as well as managing our online presence.

About Us

The Montreal Review of Books is a literary journal published by the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec, a non-profit organization that supports Quebec’s English-language book industry. 

Founded in 1997, the mRb reviews English-language books from Quebec, covering books with a local author, publisher, translator, or illustrator. Our print issue is published three times a year, with online reviews published year-round.

We are a small, mostly freelance team, currently made up of Malcolm Fraser, Editor, Rebecca West, Publisher and Executive Director at the Association of English-language Publisher of Quebec, Salena Wiener, Interim Associate Publisher, David Leblanc, Graphic Designer, and Michael Wile, National Ad Sales.

We are also currently seeking candidates for a Production Coordinator at AELAQ. Check out the job listing here!

Job Description

The Associate Editor participates in our book selection and reviewer selection, makes the first round of edits on our reviews and feature interviews, and participates in all steps of the editorial process with the Editor and our contributing writers, also working closely with Publisher, Associate Publisher, and Graphic Designer. The Associate Editor reports to the Editor.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Associate Editor’s tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • soliciting and selecting books for review
  • commissioning mRb print and online reviews
  • managing the mRb website
  • commissioning blog articles for our partner site
  • working closely with the editor and reviewers on substantive copy editing
  • managing the production calendar
  • compiling statistics for grant reporting
  • managing the mRb’s social media presence
  • helping produce mRb launch events
  • maintaining and updating a list of national distribution points
  • office help with managing book submissions & archiving

About the Role


  • minimum 1–2 years of editing experience, preferably for a literary or cultural publication
  • 1–2 years social media management and online engagement
  • knowledge of the local and national literary landscape


  • excellent knowledge of English, including proven editing skills
  • familiarity with editorial standards and practices including the Chicago Manual of Style
  • diplomacy in working with collaborators, particularly reviewers throughout the editing process
  • the ability to work autonomously as well as actively participating in team meetings and decisions
  • excellent time-management skills

Specialized Tech Knowledge

  • Wordpress content management
  • Google Workspace Suite (Docs, Spreadsheets, Forms, Analytics)
  • Social media management (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
  • Mailchimp
  • YouTube live-streaming
  • Zoom meeting management
  • Eventbrite
  • Planable (or other social media management software)

Non-essential but Useful Experience & Skills

  • non-profit experience
  • event planning experience 
  • skills in graphic design and/or web development
  • knowledge of French

Physical Requirements

  • Must be able to lift and move boxes of books, printed issues of the mRb, banners and other equipment needed for launch events.

Don’t quite meet all of these criteria? We still want to hear from you! Please read on for details about how to apply and tell us how your experience would be a good fit.

Compensation and Schedule

  • Permanent, part-time
  • Rate: $21/hr, to be invoiced bi-weekly or monthly 
  • Hours: 5–10 hours a week, with peak periods of activity averaging 15–20 hours a week leading up to publication dates (early March, early July, early November)
  • Evening availability for launch events 3 times a year
  • The ideal candidate would have the flexibility to accommodate this regular, but variable, schedule.

At present, the Montreal Review of Books is produced mostly in hybrid (in-person and remote) form, with occasional in-person meetings and events, so we are prioritizing candidates based in Montreal and surrounding areas. Applicants must be Canadian residents or have a Canadian work permit. 

How to Apply

We invite interested applicants to complete an application online using this form by July 21, 2023. Note that you will need to log into a Google / Gmail account in order to complete the form. If you do not have a Google account, you may create one here.

In order to complete the form, you will need:

  • your contact information
  • a cover letter to copy-paste 
  • your CV in PDF form
  • an editing sample (i.e. a document showing your markup), preferably in PDF form 
  • your social profile links

We recommend gathering all of the above before starting the application process. Please include your name in your CV and editing sample file names. Please do not send your application by email, and don’t send links to documents that require passwords or permissions. 

The deadline to apply is Friday, July 21, 2023. Interviews will take place in late July–early August, and the position begins in August.

The Montreal Review of Books is committed to building a diverse and inclusive team. We encourage applications from candidates who are members of underserved and underrepresented communities, including BIPOC, LGBTQ2+, people living with dis/ability, and others. 

We thank all applicants for their interest! Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.

Writers Unbound

Writers Unbound Season 2

MAtv celebrates Quebec’s English-language writers and publishers in May

Following the immense success of its first season, Writers Unbound, produced by the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) in collaboration with MAtv (Videotron), returns to celebrate the vibrancy of English-language writing and publishing in Quebec. 

Writers Unbound is a series highlighting the best of Montreal’s local literary community. The second season, developed in partnership with the Quebec Writers’ Federation (QWF), pairs two writers in conversation with host Shelley Pomerance, inviting them to reflect on their work and inspiration. Each episode also includes thematic book recommendations by local booksellers Librairie Drawn & Quarterly.   

An arts journalist and host, Shelley Pomerance has been an associate programming director with Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival and was a longtime presence on CBC Radio as a host and arts reporter.

“We’re thrilled to present the programming for Season 2 of Writers Unbound,” says Rebecca West, Executive Director of AELAQ. “As the creator of the only show in Quebec with a focus on English-language writing, we’re excited to return with new interviews, updated programming, and more books to share with our viewers.”

“Despite the growing demand and dynamism of the English-language literary community, this is the first TV program of its kind dedicated to the subject. With Writers Unbound, MAtv is pleased to offer unique and much-needed content to Videotron customers, with the support  of established collaborators in the English literature sector in Quebec. For us, this is a way to showcase the work and talent of local authors,” says Steve Desgagné, Senior Director, MAtv. 

HOW TO WATCH: A new episode debuts every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM, beginning May 31st, on MAtv. Visit for the complete schedule. 

Clients of Videotron can tune in to MAtv on channel 9 or 609 in HD. All clients of Videotron (television, Internet, mobile or illico Club) can also view MAtv live and on-demand, here. 

Each episode will be available to the general public to stream for free on 7 days after it airs, for a period of 2 weeks.


  • May 31 – Montreal Militants: Ariela Freedman and Merrily Weisbord
  • June 7 – Loss and Recovery: Tarah Schwartz and David Bradford
  • June 14 – To and From the Middle East: Dimitri Nasrallah and Tanya Bellehumeur-Allatt
  • June 21 – Identity and Belonging: Mariam Pal and Anita Anand
  • June 28 – Making Choices, Taking Chances: Tara McGowan-Ross and Baharan Baniahmadi
  • July 5 – Old Poems in a New Light: Jason Camlot and Gillian Sze

Writers Unbound is brought to you by the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) with our partner the Quebec Writers’ Federation, and is made possible with the generous support of MAtv.

Announcing: Writers Unbound

AELAQ is thrilled to announce Writers Unbound, a collaboration with MAtv, Videotron’s community channel. Writers Unbound is a 6-episode series featuring Montreal writers and editors published by AELAQ members, in conversation on writing, literature, and life. As an organization representing Quebec’s English-language publishing community, AELAQ is delighted to help bring engaging, inspiring conversations about literature, on and off the page, to MAtv viewers across Montreal.

Hosted by literary programmer, arts writer, and former radio presenter Shelley Pomerance, each episode of Writers Unbound features intimate interviews and conversation with two Montreal authors. We’ll also hear excerpts from each author’s work, read by a citizen reader from MAtv’s volunteer program. Plus, each week we’ll visit beloved Mile-End bookstore Drawn & Quarterly to get reading recommendations for adults and children from its dedicated and passionate booksellers.

“This is an exciting opportunity for AELAQ to bring a diversity of local writers into conversation with each other and spotlight our unique publishing landscape,” says Hillary Brenhouse, AELAQ’s Executive Director. “I’m hoping that the show will contribute to the continued expansion of our literary community, and that it’ll tip off viewers who didn’t know there was a burgeoning English-language literary community in Quebec! And, of course, it’s wonderful to hear the voices behind the books.”

With novelists, short story writers, poets, editors, nonfiction writers, and children’s authors, there’s bound to be something for every taste and interest. “The lineup of writers featured is really remarkable,” says Anna Leventhal, AELAQ’s former ED, who began planning the show in fall of 2020. “They represent a wide spectrum of genres, styles, backgrounds, and career paths, but they’re all joined by the fact that Montreal is where they live and write. Together they create a sort of prismatic view of the city and its English-language literary world. We’re excited to share it with MAtv’s viewers!”

HOW TO WATCH: A new episode debuts every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM, beginning March 2nd, on MAtv. Visit for the complete schedule. 

Clients of Videotron can tune in to MAtv on channel 9 or 609 in HD. All clients of Videotron (television, Internet, mobile or illico Club) can also view MAtv live and on-demand, here. 

Each episode will be available to the general public to stream for free on 7 days after it airs, for a period of 2 weeks.


March 2 : Greg Santos and Shanice Nicole

March 9 : Kaie Kellough and Nalini Mohabir

March 16: Stéphane Martelly and Marianne Ackerman

March 23: Richard King and Samir Shaheen-Hussain

March 30: Tawhida Tanya Evanson and stephanie roberts

April 6: Nigel Thomas and Christopher DiRaddo