Funded by The Canada Council for the Arts
The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) is accepting applications from eligible organizations to support readings by writers who have been published by its members.
The program is open to public presenters throughout Canada, including but not limited to ongoing reading series, libraries, bookstores, and literary festivals. See below for details on the program, eligibility criteria, and application procedure.
(For a downloadable version of these guidelines, please click HERE.)
Through this program, the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec – with a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts – will issue honoraria and reimburse travel costs for public readings by writers published by members of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec. The normal Canada Council rates apply, with a 20% supplement due to the fact that anglophone writers in Quebec are members of an official language minority. As such, AELAQ pays the author a $300 honorarium per full (solo) reading or a $150 honorarium per half (joint) reading. We also reimburse travel expenses up to the following maximums:
For up to three full readings per trip: |
For up to six half readings per trip: |
First reading: |
$480 |
First two readings: |
$360 |
Second reading: |
$480 |
Second two readings: |
$360 |
Third reading: |
$360 |
Third two readings: |
$240 |
Total maximum covered: |
$1,320 |
Total maximum covered: |
$960 |
Organizations that intend to organize four readings or more (i.e., a tour, as defined by the Canada Council) may request up to $1,400 as a contribution toward travel costs, accommodation, and per diem.
For destinations located above the 55th parallel and remote parts of the country, organizations can ask for doubled travel amounts with a written and detailed justification of related costs.
- The host organization is responsible for the author’s accommodations and meals.
- Readings are limited and will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis.
- All readings must be completed by March 31, 2015.
Host organizations must send copies of advertisements and promotional materials by email to as soon as they become available. All publicity materials must acknowledge the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts through the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec and must feature both organizations’ logos.
Please note: The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) does not reimburse reading fees and travel expenses to hosts or festival organizations. AELAQ will reimburse authors directly, after the event has taken place and upon receipt of the author’s reading report and invoice form with original itemized receipts. Under this program, we cannot reimburse any travel expenses from outside of Canada.
Host organizations/Venues/Formats:
To be eligible for funding, the reading(s) must be held in a publicly accessible venue (library, bookstore, festival location, etc.) and advertised to the community at large.
This program cannot fund conferences, workshops, roundtable discussions, fundraising events, or book prizes. This program also cannot fund readings for which honoraria and travel costs are funded by another Canada Council program.
Eligible Authors/Books:
- Invited writers must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
- Writers must have published at least one eligible book with a member of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec. An eligible book is one that the writer has written in one or more of the following literary genres: novels, short stories, poetry, drama, children’s and young adults’ literature, graphic novels or literary non-fiction.
- Literary translators are eligible provided they give a joint reading with the original writer of an eligible translated book.
- The author, the book, and the publisher must be eligible for Canada Council funding.
A sample list of eligible authors is available HERE.
Ineligible Authors:
- Authors whose publications include only self-published books or works in anthologies, literary magazines, web publications, community newspapers, free or student newsletters, or newsletters of associations or other organizations.
- Authors who sit on the board of AELAQ for the period during which the host organization has applied for funding.
- Authors who are administrators, directors, or volunteers with the host organization.
- Authors who fill a professorial position at a post-secondary institution serving as a host organization.
The host organization must contact and arrange a date with an author before applying for funding. For help contacting a Quebec author published by an AELAQ member, write to Once an author and date have been secured, download and complete the APPLICATION FORM and submit it to AELAQ.
The completed application form must be received at least THREE (3) weeks in advance of the reading date.
Once your application has been approved, confirmation letters will be sent to both you and your requested author. NO FUNDING IS CONFIRMED UNTIL THE HOST HAS RECEIVED A BOOKING CONFIRMATION FORM FROM AELAQ.
To download a PDF version of these guidelines, click here.
For more information about this program, please contact Julia Kater (