What’s it like publishing in a pandemic?

Like so many sectors around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the publishing industry hard. With physical bookstores closed and launches and book tours cancelled, the effects have rippled across the landscape with devastating results. “Publishers are experiencing precarity,” says Oliver Fugler of Montreal-based Metonymy Press. “Printers in Quebec have been closed, distributors are struggling, and small presses have been falling through the cracks of available relief funding.” 

But publishers continue to find ways to make their books accessible to readers and support their authors. “Our members have responded quickly and creatively,” says Anna Leventhal, Executive Director of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec. “Those who do online sales are offering discounts and free shipping, and some have already begun to host online launches and readings.” “Véhicule Press is working hard to adapt to the quarantine requirements all while promoting its books and supporting its authors,” says Jennifer Varkonyi, on behalf of the independent publishing house that’s been operating since 1973. “Each member of our small team is working remotely, committed to the press and its mandate.”

Read on for details what Quebec’s English-language publishers are doing to keep books moving, including online sales, virtual author events, and more. Updated with new info as of June 2020!

Book Sales

Many AELAQ members are offering discounts on their web-stores, on books that can be delivered to your door or your e-reader:

Other great ways to get books in your hands include buying from independent bookstores, who have been doing an amazing job keeping readers supplied: 

  • This map shows independent bookstores across Canada that are doing home delivery or curbside pickup. Search your location to find a bookstore near you (with thanks to Don Gorman of Rocky Mountain Books!)
  • Les Libraires is a network of independent Quebec bookstores, and their online marketplace now includes English books
  • All Lit Up is offering free shipping anywhere in Canada for the rest of April

Events and Author Apperances

In-person launches and readings are on hold, but AELAQ members’ authors are taking to the internet to share their writing.

Find Out More

For more information, contact us.

Salon du livre #ticketgiveaway

We’re giving away two pairs of tickets to the Salon du livre de Montreal! Each ticket allows one entry to the Salon, which is November 20-25 at Place Bonaventure. Note that entrance to the Salon is free on Nov. 20th, so best to save the tickets for another date. Also note that members of the Quebec Writers’ Federation and L’UNEQ get free entry to the Salon upon presentation of your member card–but you can still enter the contest and give the tickets to friends or family!

To be entered in the draw, respond to one of our #ticketgiveaway posts on Facebook or Twitter with your favourite Quebec author. Responses will be entered into a draw. One entry per person. Only responses on the original posts from AELAQ or QWF will be counted, not comments on shares or retweets.

Contest closes Thursday Nov. 14th at 12 PM. Draw will be done at 1 PM. We will contact the winners with instructions on how to get the tickets.

Not sure what to do at the Salon? Check out the books, authors, and events being presented by AELAQ and QWF!

Job Posting: Professional Development Programming intern

NOTE: This posting is now closed. Thanks to all who applied!

Terms: 12-week internship
Dates: June-August 2019 (flexible start and end date)
Schedule:  15 hours/week
Location: Montreal, QC. Some work to be done in the AELAQ office, some can be done at home.
Language of Work: English
Remuneration: $18/hr

How to apply: Please send a cover letter and C.V. as a single attachment to admin@aelaq.org to the attention of Anna Leventhal. Deadline to receive applications: midnight Monday May 13th.

Due to the volume of applicants, only those we wish to interview will be contacted.

Because this is an internship, the position is not open to owner/operators of existing professional publishing houses, or permanent full-time staff. Individuals who have worked part-time or on a temporary basis at a publishing house may apply.


The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (Association des éditeurs de langue anglaise du Quebec) is a not-for-profit members’ organization that advances the publication, distribution, and promotion of English-language books from Quebec. We support our member publishers through professional development seminars, advocacy, and marketing initiatives.

Position Summary:

Reporting to the Executive Director, the intern’s primary responsibility will be planning and executing the Professional Development programming for 2019-2021. The intern will also take part in day-to-day tasks and operations at AELAQ. We are a small organization, and as such, all employees–including the Professional Development intern–wear many hats.

The intern will gain valuable knowledge of the Quebec and Canadian book-publishing industry; they will leave the position with an understanding of the challenges facing publishers, as well as what publishers need in order to succeed. They will also gain a working knowledge of a non-profit professional association, and the various logistics involved in running one.

Professional Development programming duties:

  • Conducting interviews with AELAQ members (Quebec-based English-language publishers) to determine their professional development needs and priorities
  • Reporting results of these interviews to the Executive Director, and working with the ED to develop a robust series of events (6-8 events total) that will best serve AELAQ membership between Fall 2019 and Spring 2021
  • Researching, identifying, and contacting qualified experts and industry professionals to give workshops, seminars, and panel discussions that will meet the needs of the AELAQ membership
  • Booking travel and accommodation for visiting experts and industry professionals from out of town, as needed
  • Scheduling events and booking conference/seminar rooms
  • Creating and distributing invitations to events to AELAQ members, and to other key stakeholders and the general public when appropriate
  • Promoting panels/workshops/guest speakers on social media

Other duties not directly related to the professional development workshops:

  • Assisting with production of the Montreal Review of Books
  • Assisting in planning the Holiday Pop-Up Book Fair
  • Assisting in planning Get Lit! Brilliant Books from Quebec (English-language literary presence at the Salon du livre de Montreal)
  • General office upkeep and admin–this may include helping with mail-outs, minute-taking at board meetings, purchasing office supplies, and other administrative and logistical tasks.

We estimate that the intern’s duties will be split 2/3 working on the Professional Development project and 1/3 on other tasks.

Desired skills:

  • Excellent English-language communication
  • Basic knowledge of and interest in Quebec- and Canadian-owned publishing industry
  • Ability to conduct interviews with industry professionals, as well as summarize and report on results
  • Ability to gather information from many sources and present it in a clear and direct way
  • Ability to take initiative and work independently
  • Persistent and good at following up; able to accommodate the schedules of busy industry professionals
  • Comfortable with phone calls
  • Knowledge of social media best practices
  • Basic graphic design abilities
  • Basic knowledge of MailChimp, SurveyMonkey, Microsoft Office suite

Accessibility: There are two sets of stairs required to access the AELAQ office, and regrettably the building does not yet have an elevator. There is a single-stall gender-neutral washroom in the building. The AELAQ office has a scent-free policy, but can’t guarantee a total absence of scent because we are located in a public building (the Atwater library). Please contact us with other accessibility inquiries.

2018-2019 AELAQ reading fund covers honoraria and travel costs for public readings

The Roadmap Reading Fund is open to applications for events taking place between April 1st 2018 and March 31st 2019! There is one change from last year’s guidelines regarding the number of events for which a writer can receive funding–please see below for details.

2018-2019 Application Form. Please read through the guidelines and eligibility criteria below before submitting an application.

Reader’s Report/Invoice To be submitted by the participating writer after the event, along with relevant receipts. Please note, you must apply and be approved for funding BEFORE submitting your reader’s report/invoice.

Please submit your application a minimum of two weeks before the event is to take place. We do not fund events retroactively. This fund is limited and on a first-come first-served basis; funding is not guaranteed until you have received confirmation from AELAQ.

The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) is accepting applications from eligible organizations to support readings by English-language writers who have been published by AELAQ members.

This program is open to public presenters throughout Canada, including but not limited to ongoing reading series, libraries, bookstores, and literary festivals. See below for details on the program, eligibility criteria, and application procedure.


Through this program, the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec – with a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts – will reimburse honoraria and travel costs (transport only, does not include per diem or accommodation) for public readings by English-language  writers published by members of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec. Eligible AELAQ publishers include: Baraka Books, DC Books, Drawn & Quarterly, Linda Leith Publishing, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Metatron, Longbridge Books, and Véhicule Press.

This program is open to international events!
Readings taking place in Quebec must feature eligible English-language Canadian authors from outside the province, but eligible English-language authors
from any Canadian province or territory may be featured at readings taking place outside of Canada.

AELAQ will pay the author a $300 honorarium per full (solo) reading or a $150 honorarium per half (joint) reading if they are not receiving an honorarium from the host venue.

For international travel: AELAQ will cover up to $1320 in travel expenses for up to three full readings or six half-readings. Authors can receive funding for one international trip per program year (April 1st-March 31st). If funding allows, this restriction may be lifted in December 2018.

**New in 2018-2019: AELAQ will fund a total of 5 individual events per eligible author per program year (April 1st-March 31st). If funding allows, this restriction may be lifted in December 2018.

For travel within Canada:

For up to three full readings per trip: For up to six half readings per trip:
First reading: $480 First two readings: $360
Second reading: $480 Second two readings: $360
Third reading: $360 Third two readings: $240
Total maximum covered: $1,320 Total maximum covered: $960

For destinations located above the 55th parallel and remote parts of the country, organizations can ask for doubled travel amounts with a written and detailed justification of related costs.

  • The host organization must contribute to the cost of the author’s travel, accommodations, and/or meals.
  • All readings must be applied for and take place by March 31, 2019. 


Host organizations/Venues/Formats: To be eligible for funding, the reading(s) must be held in a publicly accessible venue (library, bookstore, festival location, etc.) and advertised to the community at large.

This program cannot fund conferences, workshops, fundraising events, or book prizes. This program also cannot fund readings for which honoraria and travel costs are funded by another Canada Council program.

Eligible Authors/Books: 

  • Invited writers must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
  • Readings hosted outside of the province of Quebec must feature Quebec-based writers. For readings taking place in Quebec, featured writers may be from any province or territory in Canada.
  • Writers must have published at least one eligible book with a member of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (see ‘About the Program’ for list of members). An eligible book is one that the writer has written in one or more of the following literary genres: novels, short stories, poetry, drama, children’s and young adults’ literature, graphic novels, or literary non-fiction.
  • The author, the book, and the publisher must be eligible for Canada Council funding.
  • The author must be an English-language writer.

Ineligible Authors:

  • Authors whose publications include only self-published books or works in anthologies, literary magazines, web publications, community newspapers, free or student newsletters, or newsletters of associations or other organizations.
  • Authors who sit on the board of AELAQ for the period during which the host organization has applied for funding.
  • Authors who are administrators, directors, or volunteers with the host organization.
  • Authors who fill a professorial position at a post-secondary institution serving as a host organization.


The host organization must contact and arrange a date with an author or their publisher before applying for funding. For help contacting an author or publisher, write to admin@aelaq.org.

Once an author and date have been secured, download and complete the AELAQ Roadmap Reading Fund – application form 2018-19 and submit it to AELAQ.

The completed form must be received by March 31st, 2019, for events taking place before that date. For events after that date, please contact admin@aelaq.org.

Once your application has been approved, confirmation letters will be sent to both the host venue and author. NO FUNDING IS CONFIRMED UNTIL THE HOST HAS RECEIVED A BOOKING CONFIRMATION FORM FROM AELAQ.

Host organizations must send copies of advertisements and promotional materials by email to admin@aelaq.org  as soon as they become available. All publicity materials must acknowledge the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts through the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec and must feature both organizations’ logos.

Please note: The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) does not reimburse reading fees and travel expenses to hosts or festival organizations. AELAQ will reimburse authors and/or publishers directly, after the event has taken place and upon receipt of the author’s reading report and invoice form(s) with original itemized receipts.

For more information about this program, please write to admin@aelaq.org  or call 514-932-5633.

Welcome to Phoenicia Publishing and Black Rose Books!

AELAQ is pleased to welcome two new members to the association: Phoenicia Publishing and Black Rose Books.

Phoenicia Publishing is interested in words and images that illuminate culture, spirit, and the human experience. They are a small, independent, International publisher based in Montreal, publishing book-length poetry, creative non-fiction, fiction, music, photography and art.

Black Rose Books has been in operation since 1970, publishing an array of books on political, social, environmental, philosophical, and historical themes.

We are proud to add these two publishers to our growing organization.

Montreal Review of Books seeks Associate Editor

Are you passionate about books, high-quality writing, and serial commas? Then we want to hear from you! Join the team putting together the only journal reviewing English-language books from Quebec.

The Montreal Review of Books, published three times a year by AELAQ, seeks an experienced and dynamic Associate Editor to work with the Editor and Publisher on all aspects of the journal. The Associate Editor participates primarily in selecting books for review, commissioning reviews, and working closely with reviewers on substantive and copy editing. Other areas of focus include social media and website development, event planning, and distribution.

The successful candidate will, above all, have excellent knowledge of English, proven editing skills, and familiarity with editorial standards and practices. Other essential traits include a keen eye for detail, excellent time management skills, experience with online engagement, diplomacy, and the ability to work autonomously and as part of a team. Knowledge of the local and national literary landscape is an important asset.

This is a part-time position; 3 to 15 hours per week, with peak periods of activity that may exceed these hours leading up to publication dates (July, November, March), and occasional weeks off outside of active production periods. The majority of work can be done at home, with obligatory meetings taking place a few times a year. Remuneration for this position is $17.50/hour.

Deadline to apply: April 24

Interested applicants should send cover letter, resume, and editing samples to admin@mtlreviewofbooks.ca Only those selected for an interview will be contacted.

2017-2018 AELAQ reading fund covers honoraria and travel costs for public readings

The Roadmap Reading Fund is open to applications for another year! There is one change from last year’s guidelines regarding international travel for writers–please see below for details.

The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) is accepting applications from eligible organizations to support readings by English-language writers who have been published by AELAQ members.

This program is open to public presenters throughout Canada, including but not limited to ongoing reading series, libraries, bookstores, and literary festivals. See below for details on the program, eligibility criteria, and application procedure.


Through this program, the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec – with a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts – will reimburse honoraria and travel costs for public readings by English-language  writers published by members of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec. Eligible AELAQ publishers include: Baraka Books, DC Books, Drawn & Quarterly, Linda Leith Publishing, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Metatron, Longbridge Books, and Véhicule Press.

This program is open to international events!
Readings taking place in Quebec must feature eligible English-language Canadian authors from outside the province, but eligible English-language authors
from any Canadian province or territory may be featured at readings taking place outside of Canada. AELAQ will pay the author a $300 honorarium per full (solo) reading or a $150 honorarium per half (joint) reading if they are not receiving an honorarium from the host venue.

**New in 2017-18: For international travel: AELAQ will cover up to $1320 in travel expenses for up to three full readings or six half-readings. Authors can receive funding for one international trip per program year (April 1st-March 31st). If funding allows, this restriction may be lifted in the second half of the year.

For travel within Canada:

For up to three full readings per trip: For up to six half readings per trip:
First reading: $480 First two readings: $360
Second reading: $480 Second two readings: $360
Third reading: $360 Third two readings: $240
Total maximum covered: $1,320 Total maximum covered: $960

For destinations located above the 55th parallel and remote parts of the country, organizations can ask for doubled travel amounts with a written and detailed justification of related costs.

  • The host organization must contribute to the cost of the author’s travel, accommodations, and/or meals.
  • All readings must be applied for and take place by March 31, 2018. Events taking place after this date will be considered for the following year’s fund.


Host organizations/Venues/Formats: To be eligible for funding, the reading(s) must be held in a publicly accessible venue (library, bookstore, festival location, etc.) and advertised to the community at large.

This program cannot fund conferences, workshops, fundraising events, or book prizes. This program also cannot fund readings for which honoraria and travel costs are funded by another Canada Council program.

Eligible Authors/Books: 

  • Invited writers must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
  • Readings hosted outside of the province of Quebec must feature Quebec-based writers. For readings taking place in Quebec, featured writers may be from any province or territory in Canada.
  • Writers must have published at least one eligible book with a member of the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (see ‘About the Program’ for list of members). An eligible book is one that the writer has written in one or more of the following literary genres: novels, short stories, poetry, drama, children’s and young adults’ literature, graphic novels, or literary non-fiction.
  • The author, the book, and the publisher must be eligible for Canada Council funding.
  • The author must be an English-language writer.

Ineligible Authors:

  • Authors whose publications include only self-published books or works in anthologies, literary magazines, web publications, community newspapers, free or student newsletters, or newsletters of associations or other organizations.
  • Authors who sit on the board of AELAQ for the period during which the host organization has applied for funding.
  • Authors who are administrators, directors, or volunteers with the host organization.
  • Authors who fill a professorial position at a post-secondary institution serving as a host organization.


The host organization must contact and arrange a date with an author or their publisher before applying for funding. For help contacting an author or publisher, write to admin@aelaq.org.

Once an author and date have been secured, download and complete the AELAQ roadmap reading fund – application form 2017-18 and submit it to AELAQ.

The completed form must be received by March 31st, 2018, for events taking place before that date. For events after that date, please contact admin@aelaq.org.

Once your application has been approved, confirmation letters will be sent to both the host venue and author. NO FUNDING IS CONFIRMED UNTIL THE HOST HAS RECEIVED A BOOKING CONFIRMATION FORM FROM AELAQ.

Host organizations must send copies of advertisements and promotional materials by email to admin@aelaq.org  as soon as they become available. All publicity materials must acknowledge the financial assistance of the Canada Council for the Arts through the Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec and must feature both organizations’ logos.

Please note: The Association of English-language Publishers of Quebec (AELAQ) does not reimburse reading fees and travel expenses to hosts or festival organizations. AELAQ will reimburse authors and/or publishers directly, after the event has taken place and upon receipt of the author’s reading report and invoice form(s) with original itemized receipts.

For more information about this program, please write to admin@aelaq.org  or call 514-932-5633.

AELAQ welcomes new members Metonymy Press and Longbridge Books

The AELAQ is very pleased to welcome two new member publishers to the association, Metonymy Press and Longbridge Books. Check their websites to find out more about the books published by these newest additions to the AELAQ roster.

About Metonymy:

Metonymy Press publishes literary fiction and nonfiction by emerging writers.  We try to reduce barriers to publishing for authors whose perspectives are underrepresented in order to produce quality materials relevant to queer, feminist, and social justice communities. We really want to keep gay book lovers satisfied.

About Longbridge:

Launched in 2008, Longbridge Books is a publishing house whose mandate is to promote works of fiction and nonfiction that convey Canada’s multicultural character.